
Giving Thanks

My mom took all of these pictures for me.
Sadly she’s not in any of them.
my kitchen probably shouldn’t be photographed
after I’ve just spent the last 8 hours in it cooking.
But this is real life.
I was  most thankful that my father in law carved the turkey.
The husband still hasn’t mastered a carving knife.
His skills look less like thanksgiving,
and more like Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I like brown.
I, too, probably shouldn’t be photographed
after cooking for 8 hours.
I love these two so much.
How lucky am I to have such sweet in laws?
At this point I was clearly ready for my mom
to stop playing Ansel Adams and to sit.
Because grace is long in our house,
and the food was getting cold.

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had a great holiday!