
Lola’s Cake Smash

We got the pictures back from our family holiday shoot and Lola’s first birthday cake smash. It was hard to “style” her birthday photos since she was still not mobile, pulling up to stand, baring weight on her legs. I had a vision in mind over the summer that included a vintage high chair, and thankfully I spent an afternoon driving out to Massachusetts to pick the chair up this summer.

We barely pulled this shoot off. It was 46 degrees outside and I was running around like a mad woman trying to find dairy free icing and cake mix, having balloons blown up and setting up the shoot for our holiday pictures. Even I was impressed by how much we were able to pull together that afternoon.

Lola was such a trooper, sitting in nothing but a diaper cover and actually being happy. Genuinely happy. She is seriously such a gift. The child doesn’t know how to have a bad day.

About a week after our pictures were taken her hair finally grew long enough that it lies down now. No more Don King baby. It would be depressing if her darn face wasn’t so stinking adorable. Every once in a while I use Reese’s detangling spray to spike her hair up again, it doesn’t stay all day, but it makes me smile while it lasts.