
Learning Towers for the Sprouts

After briefly mentioning learning towers in this post, I came across this pin on Pinterest. My husband would call that coincidence; I call it kismet. Especially since learning towers are over $100 retail and as much as I’d like to pretend that the twins would happily share and stand nicely together, I know that it would turn into baby cage fighting at some point during an activity.

We’re not particularly handy DIY’ers but some of these projects look really easy, and they definitely appeal to my cheap resourceful side. I think this could be a good project for us to take on this fall, after the dust settles, in time for the kids’ 2nd birthday. Plus, I love that I can pick a really fun color to paint them.

We’ve only tackled one other Ana White project. It was as inexpensive as it promised to be. And I think it would have been easy(ier) if we would have followed the directions. But our space was smaller and I didn’t want drawers, so we modified this desk for our space.

Of course since I’m mathematically challenged and didn’t anticipate other changes that would need to occur with the size changing, there were a few things that created build issues for us once Joe started assembling the pieces. All in all the mistakes only took an extra hour to work around and the desk is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. It’s basic, but it gave me a quiet space to do my freelance work behind closed doors. I think it cost us around $65 to build, which was about all I was willing to spend. Prior to the desk I just sat on our bed and worked, and I was willing to deal with carpal tunnel and losing pens in our duvet if it meant saving us any further expense.

Has anyone ever built a project from Ana White? How did it go? I need to convince Joe that this will be easy and fun for us to do together. I can sense his excitement already.