
Keepin’ it Real

Over the weekend we found out that there are some issues going on with my husband’s company. The issues are not new (although this issue in particular caught us by surprise as we thought the worst was over). After more than 6 years with his company, he’s job shopping right now. Not an easy thing to do. We had hoped to stay in our current home for another 3 +/- years. I’m kind of sad (and so is he) because our house recently started feeling like our home. It felt like us. And gosh darn it we were almost *almost* done with all the little projects.

I put together a list on Sunday of all the things we’d need to wrap up to put the house on the market if it comes down to that. Our house is the land of unfinished projects. I don’t know if it’s that we run out of time or run out of patience (or both) but we’ll need a solid week of all work and no play to get this place in order.

The kitchen needs the grout sealed (it was installed a year ago), and we need to fix the grout line that meets up with the granite because it crumbled (anyone know why that happened?)
This is a shelving project in our kitchen I had my husband start. He didn’t realize that the mounting brackets on the shelves weren’t all the same and managed to drill the holes about a dozen times (poor guy). This still needs to be sanded, primed, painted and the shelves need to be finished.
I still need to paint the letters on the dining room wall (you can see the swatches and the paint samples on the letters) and laid out on our dining room table is the start of our gallery wall needs to be hung here
There are frames hung with no art or images in them, 
like this in our master bedroom
and there is art in frames that have yet to be hung, 
like this in the husband’s man room
Then there are projects gone bad that need to be redone, 
like the caulk in our guest bath

This doesn’t include the walls that need to be painted or the crack in the ceiling that needs to be repaired; the shutter on the outside of our house that needs to be fixed from when my husband hit it with a baseball; the mailbox that needs to be replaced from the snowplow that knocked it over; the numerous closets, the basement and the garage which need to be cleaned up and organized to maximize the look of our storage; or the fact that we have to hire a painter to do all of the trim work we don’t have the patience to do ourselves.
This doesn’t even include the list of things that I wanted to do for us to “finish” the house if we stayed here. I’ve spent so much time making this space ours and as long as this list is, it’s so much shorter than it was when we got here four years ago. Make me wonder why anyone moves EVER.