house stuff / Uncategorized

Ikea Hack?

Not really. 
But I bought two plain black Ikea Billy bookcases 
I tried Layla’s painted beadboard wallpaper trick.
Seriously stupid. (Sorry Layla.)
It was messy, and cumbersome.
After three hours I threw everything away.
What a waste of money and time.
Went back to Home Depot
Spent $30 
(the wallpaper was $15, so really this was not a big expense)
had Home Depot cut the beadboard to size (free)
two sheets of beadboard covered three bookcases
two in our living room, one in husband’s man room.
and we had a lot of material leftover.
Total time spent = 10 minutes
(and that includes the drive to and from HD).
painted the beadboard black
Husband nailed it to the bookcases

* Forgive the lack of true “bookcase styling”. 
Husband did a nice job, I think, for now. 
We’re 99% done furnishing the living room. 
Accessories come last 🙂