
I Can’t Believe it’s Almost March

Really this year is just kind of running by me. I realized this week that I haven’t taken a single picture of the kids since January 20th. I promptly brought out the camera and shot away. But both kids are sick (sinus infections) and I’m sick and Ryan was just not feeling like being a baby model. Poor guy.

{ can climb quite quickly now; climbing is not limited to stairs }

{ 13 months }

Diva baby has had a super sick belly from her post nasal drip and we’ve had a few drama filled nights. She’s breaking my heart with her hot pink tushy and tiny hands rubbing at tiny tears. We’ve blown out 15 diapers in less than 12 hours. Thankfully the pediatrician gave us some amoxicillin and we’ll hopefully be on the mend soon. I’m going to the GP tomorrow and I’m praying there is something I can take to knock this out of my system as well.

{ runs everywhere, why walk when you can run? }

{ I love this peanut so much }

{ 13 months }

{ Nana blanket goes everywhere with her }

Before she got super sick I took her shopping for some warm weather clothes and she got a pair of big girl sunnies. I thought they’d be so cute. But she actually looks like my Aunt Ethel now. I kind of dig it.

We finally picked a builder after having some issues with the first builder and the land we had chosen. We should be (knock on wood) breaking ground in March. I’m a little anxious over the whole thing right now, I’ll feel better once contracts are signed and the plans are fully drawn. But right now I feel like we’re working against a very (hard) deadline and progress with paperwork is a bit slow. I’ve realized in my 30’s that the world never moves as fast as I’d like it to. Perhaps I should take that as a cue to slow down? Perhaps…
My first ultrasound is Friday and I am READY. I thought about calling the RE and telling him I was spotting so I could get in early (true story) but thought better of manipulating the system like that (and I also don’t need the bad zhu-zhu). Either I’m pregnant or I’m going in the Guiness Book of World Records for the biggest food baby ever
{ 6 weeks, 1 day with a singleton }

{ 14 weeks with twins }
Explain to me how this happens? I thought I’d be able to hide this pregnancy through the end of the first trimester. And actually we were hoping to wait until closer to 15/16 weeks to announce. But I’m pretty sure my plans will have to change shortly.