life lately

Don’t Touch the Fruit

It’s Monday. My tire exploded on the way home from work.

The contractor informed me he’d be back tomorrow for just. one. more. check.

And then, THEN I had to grocery shop for a week with three of four kids in tow. And they were not…ahem…well behaved.

In fact, I was that on-the-edge mom who started with threats through gritted teeth and when that didn’t work I became the mom everyone averts their eyes from as they lose their gobstopping mind in the produce aisle.

I saiiiiiiiid donnnnnnt toucccccch theeeeee fruitttttt.

We get to the car. I strap them into car seats, unload the cart, contemplate running, decide I won’t get far in 5″ heels, reluctantly get in the van, and I just sit.

I sit in stillness, thanking god for minivans with TV’s, for five seconds of quiet, and it’s at that very moment that my daughter thinks it’s a good idea to ask me, “mom, why are we like, just sitting here?”

Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps because I’m trying to evaluate where I went wrong in life OR MAYBE, JUST MAYBE I’m trying to compose myself so you all make it to tomorrow.

Want to ask another question?